Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


Watching the weather

Seems like everyone is glued to the latest weather projections. My mother-in-law, who has been through several hurricanes on Florida's space coast has been fussing at me to make sure we're ready for the weather. We got extra propane for our grill, filled up our little gas can, bought three gallons of drinking water, stocked up on staples and bread, batteries in the flashlight ... we're ready for the weather. Bring it on Rita!

Now, of course, we live up Interstate 35 in North Texas and we're projected to get a helluva storm this weekend. Sort of puts a crimp in some of our plans, but that is ok. We're flexible. I am anxious to see the rain and cooler temps. Not so anxious for any tornados to spin off from the storm, which is a distinct possibility .

If you want to see what our weather looks like, you can check out the local radar. Right now, it is sunny and hot. Ah, yes, fall in Texas. *shaking my head*


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