Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


Five more things

Looks like I sufficiently guilted ArmyWifeToddlerMom into inviting me to meme about Five Things In My Vehicle.

Thankfully, I cleaned the Trash Can on Wheels out yesterday, so there are no more Chick-Fil-A cups or Happy Meal boxes in there.

Picking just five things is hard for me. I live out of my minivan. Here are five:

1. a new 2006 Road Atlas (we are leaving on a road trip on Wednesday)

2. a bucket of toys for those times when distraction is needed

3. about a dozen DVDs ranging from the Veggie Tales Lord of the Beans to Madagascar

4. towels for unexpected spills

5. assorted useful things like a small tool kit, first aid kit, an air pump that operates in the ciggie lighter and a giant umbrella

Anyone else want to play this game? If so, do it and let me know in the comments.


  • At 11:37 AM, June 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hah. I took my husband's van when he left town for the summer and my little car finally died (15 years and I got through three kids and two husbands, not bad!). I hate the van, but it is what we needed, utiliarian and holds all kinds of things besides long kid-legs.

    1. A roll of paper towels, packet of wet wipes, hairbrush, giant wrench, and a sharpie marker in the secret compartment under the console (bonus points if you know what the giant wrench is for).

    2. A basket of toys from happy meals, grab bags at the second-hand store, etc. that keep the Tater entertained on any kind of trip, no matter how small or large (yeah, she's that kinda kid).

    3. A giant silver bubble-wrap-like sunshade for the giant front window of the van.

    4. A keychain of Ganesha (Hindu God who removes obstacles) hanging from the rearview mirror.

    5. At least a dozen red coke bottle caps with codes that I need to enter online for more points so I can get more...uh...stuff. Yeah. I need more stuff.

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  • At 1:53 PM, June 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know it is hard with only five things, but you left off the power converter on #5.


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