Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


The Shrub in Dallas

There are some days when I know I'm living the American Dream. I have my four-bedroom mortgage, two car payments and three kids. (No dog yet, but give me time.) And, then there are days like today when I pick up tickets to take my children to see President and Mrs. George W. Bush Monday at Reunion Arena (where I saw U2, Van Halen, Whitesnake, Rod Stewart and even John Denver when I was a teenager.)

It is a stump for Texas Republicans (Gov. Goodhair, in particular) and WBAP's Mark Davis has a small amount of info about the event. You can't find very much information about it anywhere, but the tickets are gone now. Denton County's Republican headquarters was the last to have any tickets and I snagged some today.

The kids are very excited about it. They've never seen a president in person. I've seen Ronald Reagan when he appeared at Baylor University while I was a student and, of course, I've met and interviewed President Bush (when he announced he was running for governor of Texas, I know I tell this story too much, but it is my brush with greatness. As a reporter for the Midland Reporter-Telegram, I broke the story that he had officially filed to run for governor.) So, I've been lucky enough to have seen two presidents. I've also encountered Bush at a few other appearances and I've interviewed the First Lady once and helped facilitate an appearance she made at UNT while I was working there and I got to interact with her then, too. She is one of the most poised yet down-to-earth women I've ever met. Her beauty and smile lights up a room.

I think this should be my Christmas card this year. ;)

And, just for good measure, here is the The Mr. Way Too Liberal commerical for your listening pleasure.


  • At 8:20 PM, November 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Woo hoo! In your face! I've interviewed W several times, Billy C, Bush the Elder and even Hillary Clinton. Four presidents!

    Oh sorry, you probably didn't like that last part.

    Ah, I'm a little slap happy tonight.

  • At 8:21 PM, November 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 9:09 AM, November 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    While I wouldn't vote for Gov. Goodhair if you held a gun to my head, his Way Too Liberal for Texas Guy commercial is freakin' hilarious!! I gotta give his people knuckles for that one.

  • At 1:10 AM, November 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How could I not know all that about you? We're supposed to be friends way back to jr. high. Well, your brushes with bushes :) is quite impressive. I was just about to write that I had only seen in person one pres and that was Clinton (the nite before he was first elected, so he really wasn't pres yet) but I just remembered I did see GWB at UTA back in the day. I wasn't very thrilled b/c I was a HUGE Ann Richards supporter. Boy, my girl got CONSERVATIVE along the way. I am surprised we can even sit in the same room :) I am however conservative on issues that are near and dear to you, and that is war on terror. So, I guess we see eye to eye there. Please email me your Bush interview story and tell me all about it.


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