Stress Queen
I knew it was too good. I have been way too relaxed. Now, it is all coming back to bite me on my ample ass.
I'm under pressure from deadlines for a giant story package that is coming up, getting things ready for my parents' 50th anniversary shindig this Saturday (and anticipating dealing with my severely dysfunctional relationship with my very critical brother), working on Friday and hosting a little at-home jewelry party on Sunday (yeah, I'm not sure what I was thinking either having it on this date.)
My to-do list this week:
* write, write and write some more
* pay X number of bills with Y number of money
* cover my grey at the hairdresser
* finish framing photos of my parents through the years
* create photo album with remaining photos of parents
* sweep and mop kitchen and dining area
* make phone calls for even more interviews for stories
* dust
* clean bathrooms and kitchen
* wash and put up laundry
* work Friday night in neighboring city
* pack lunches for Hot Rod's day camp
* call exterminator to treat termites - creative accting to pay him
* go to Wallyworld to pick up pictures
* soccer pictures Saturday
* pick up cake and flowers and ice
* load up everything for party without forgetting anything
* decorate church
Oh hell, there is more, but I'm going to forget. The pressure is going to get me this week.
I'm under pressure from deadlines for a giant story package that is coming up, getting things ready for my parents' 50th anniversary shindig this Saturday (and anticipating dealing with my severely dysfunctional relationship with my very critical brother), working on Friday and hosting a little at-home jewelry party on Sunday (yeah, I'm not sure what I was thinking either having it on this date.)
My to-do list this week:
* write, write and write some more
* pay X number of bills with Y number of money
* cover my grey at the hairdresser
* finish framing photos of my parents through the years
* create photo album with remaining photos of parents
* sweep and mop kitchen and dining area
* make phone calls for even more interviews for stories
* dust
* clean bathrooms and kitchen
* wash and put up laundry
* work Friday night in neighboring city
* pack lunches for Hot Rod's day camp
* call exterminator to treat termites - creative accting to pay him
* go to Wallyworld to pick up pictures
* soccer pictures Saturday
* pick up cake and flowers and ice
* load up everything for party without forgetting anything
* decorate church
Oh hell, there is more, but I'm going to forget. The pressure is going to get me this week.
At 11:28 PM, June 18, 2007,
North Dallas Thirty said…
When you get around to it, dear.....tag.
At 3:48 PM, June 19, 2007,
Anonymous said…
My God. What a list.
I empathize; I was a good bit older than you before I finally learned to say to volunteer seekers (with coaching from my wife):
"NO, goddammit."
The second word is usually only implied. But not always.
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