About the time I don't think I look half-bad, I go see my BFF. And, even on her sloppy days, she looks better than me. *sigh* Tops of my New Year's Resolutions is to get stronger and in better shape. Being a wuss actually made me want to do that more than the out of shape part, but I have a shape. Round is a shape. Just not the one I want. And the extra chin? Yep. Gotta go.
And, P.S. This is the very flattering *note the sarcasm* outfit I had on that day I was getting hit on by the dude at Hooter's. No cleavage and not much to it to show that I have massive boobs under there, I don't think. Just a side note. *shrug*
At 4:35 PM, January 02, 2009,
Anonymous said…
apologies to you friend, but you are way hotter/cuter
At 1:53 PM, January 03, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Perhaps this pic needs to be submitted as a "Thursday Babe" pic to VtheK.
Never mind what Dub says..real men like real women!
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