A day in Dallas
Anime Fest
took me to Dallas this weekend for a break from the little kids and an opportunity to give Pickle some freedom. I met up with my best buddy, TS, at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas. She booked a suite of rooms for her and her daughter and three of the daughter's friends. Pickle and I got to stay, too. It was great. Pickle and the kids got to get their dork on while TS and I got to enjoy some fun sans children. This shot is a view of the lobby from a little grotto on the 19th floor, where our rooms were. It was really pretty. A pain in the butt to get up and down the elevators because of all the anime folks. Lots and lots of people and weird ones, too.
This is me after a couple of bellinis in the Dome Lounge atop Reunion Tower. 50 stories up and the elevator is one that is on the outside of the building. I was scared to death. I hate heights, just so you know. I was ok with the observation deck (shown here) because it was enclosed and I think the drinks helped me relax a bit.
My snapshot of the Dallas lights from the observation deck. It was really pretty and I was pleased that I wasn't freaking out. I couldn't say the same for that damned elevator ride.
Another shot of me on the observation deck.
This was the view from our hotel room. Gorgeous, isn't it? Dallas is pretty, I just hate the traffic. We were sitting dead still at one point on the way to Dallas after dropping the kids off at my mom's house. Yuck.
This is us in the Dome Lounge. The restaurant revolves!!! I thought I was going to be sick at first. I was so terrified. But, I finally relaxed and it moves really slowly, so it wasn't too bad. Very very cool, I must say. We got to see an entire 360 view of Dallas.
Here is a view of the skyline from our seats in the lounge. That big circle with the bars can be seen from the outside as the sparkling lights at night. It was very cool. I can't believe I've lived almost my entire life in the Dallas Fort Worth area and I've never been in Reunion Tower's observation deck or lounge. Oddly enough, I spent my 19th birthday at the Hyatt Regency when I attended a formal there with Lamda Chi Alpha wayyyyyy back in 1987. Was just a funny memory that came back to me while I was there. A very nice weekend with my friend and the kids. More pictures to come.

At 2:34 PM, September 04, 2007,
Lisa said…
I miss that wide open Texas sky sometimes. That last photo was a great art shot!
At 12:53 AM, September 05, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
Thank you. I thought it was pretty cool. I try ... just not very successful most of the time. :)
At 2:22 PM, May 06, 2009,
knucklehead said…
cool pics of dallas really miss dallas now that i don't live there no more...try the skylobby in the chase tower on ross there's some really spectacular views from up there too
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