Really Important Stuff
You know, I'm a sports fan and all ... but sometimes I wanna pull a Ralph Kramden:
"One of these days … one of these days … POW, right in the kisser!"
Clues. I try to drop clues routinely (women, please note that men typically don't take clues well). Mine got this one. It's 11:15 at night. I'm out of the shower and in my robe. I pull up YouTube and crank up some Nine Inch Nails.
Army of Dad: Can we wait a few minutes? This game is really good.
Army of Mom: *turning to TV* USC and Oregon?
Army of Dad: Yeah.
Army of Mom: Well, as long as its really important to you.
Army of Dad: Wow! Did you see that? There's life in this game!
*grabbing my newest read - Brisingr - and heading to bed. Thanks to Old Man Rufus for my new book. Can't wait to see how Eragon and Roran get out of their mess and defeat Galbatorix.
"One of these days … one of these days … POW, right in the kisser!"
Clues. I try to drop clues routinely (women, please note that men typically don't take clues well). Mine got this one. It's 11:15 at night. I'm out of the shower and in my robe. I pull up YouTube and crank up some Nine Inch Nails.
Army of Dad: Can we wait a few minutes? This game is really good.
Army of Mom: *turning to TV* USC and Oregon?
Army of Dad: Yeah.
Army of Mom: Well, as long as its really important to you.
Army of Dad: Wow! Did you see that? There's life in this game!
*grabbing my newest read - Brisingr - and heading to bed. Thanks to Old Man Rufus for my new book. Can't wait to see how Eragon and Roran get out of their mess and defeat Galbatorix.
At 10:53 AM, September 26, 2008,
Anonymous said…
On one hand . . . hell hath no revenge comparable to that of a ticked-off wife who authors a blog!
But, on the other . . . if your robe was slinky/satiny and not terrycloth, and I'm getting your drift correctly as to your intentions out of the shower--hey, if I'm AoD, that TV gets switched off within seconds!
At 12:01 PM, September 26, 2008,
Anonymous said…
You could have said "No, we can't wait a few minutes."
I would have shut off the TV in a heartbeat (ok, a long heartbeat, but off none-the-less).
At 12:25 PM, September 26, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
In his defense, he did ask if it can wait ... he may have stopped had I said NO. :)
And, it was a terrycloth robe. *sigh* I'm such a housewife. :)
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