Will write for food
This is definitely the mood I'm in today.
Still no word from my biggest client on what they plan to do with their contractors.

When I worked in Midland, a co-worker brought in this drawing and I made a copy and framed it in this old junky frame I found at a garage sale. It had glass on it and was under my bed till we, uh, er, broke the bed (at least the fourth time we've broken a bed, but that is another story) ... and the glass broke. I simply haven't replaced it. So, this is hanging over my washing machine in the garage.
Still no word from my biggest client on what they plan to do with their contractors.

When I worked in Midland, a co-worker brought in this drawing and I made a copy and framed it in this old junky frame I found at a garage sale. It had glass on it and was under my bed till we, uh, er, broke the bed (at least the fourth time we've broken a bed, but that is another story) ... and the glass broke. I simply haven't replaced it. So, this is hanging over my washing machine in the garage.
At 12:38 PM, February 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
You kids have broken a bed FOUR times?? My, my. I'm going to assume it wasn't because they were poor quality furniture.
We've only done that once in 22 years of marriage . . . and unfortunately, I think it was only because I hadn't put the damn thing together correctly after we'd moved into a new house.
I read this and recalled immediately the great Barry Fitzgerald line from "The Quiet Man" when he does a double-take on coming upon the broken bed in John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara's cottage:
"Impetuous . . . Homeric!"
Must be something about you redheads . . .
At 2:41 PM, February 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
It gets worse. Each of the beds we broke were given to us by AoM's parents. Three out of the four times we had to have her dad fix them since I didn't own any tools.
At 2:48 PM, February 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Oh, THAT had to be one hell of a fun phone call to make to your father-in-law.
At 3:06 PM, February 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I'm sure it was...for AoM! She had to make those calls. I don't know if he ever asked her how we broke them.
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