Sic 'em, Bears!

They played well. We play again tonight. If we win, we'll play again on Thursday and Friday. If not, we're done. It is do-able for this team.
Speaking of this team, it is really sad, but we have one mom who won't be bothered to bring her son to games when her husband is out of town. How sad is that? The dad was in Phoenix last night on business and suddenly, the son has a fever. I called the dad last night on his mobile to tell him that we advanced and he said he'd be back in town today and the kiddo would be there. Amazing how he knows the fever will be gone once he's back. It is really sad. I wouldn't trade living paycheck to paycheck and having my relationship with Army of Dad for what must be some passive-aggressive issues this woman has with her husband. They own a business and have lots of money. I'm pretty sure she drives either a BMW or Lexus. I see her so seldomly, that I'm not sure. But, it has been a pattern over the season. This kiddo has only made about half the games and she has never brought him to a game, only the dad. I just think it is really sad and when I think about it, I don't know that this little guy smiles all that much. No, I wouldn't trade all their money for their relationship.
So, cross your fingers for us tonight.
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