Professional writers don't get paid that much, so it is always nice when we can work a deal to take advantage of some wonderful accomodations or recreation in exchange for covering the event/location/etc. I managed to benefit from one such deal at
La Torretta del Lago Resort on Lake Conroe last weekend. It worked out well in that I can write about the place for a couple of different media outlets and get a nice swanky getaway with my honey in anticipation of our 12th anniversary (which is this coming Saturday). This shot shows the hotel tower. We were on the 17th floor overlooking the water park and pool area (which is just on the other side of the wrought iron fencing at the bottom of the picture).

Here was our view from our room. That body of water is Lake Conroe. I took the kids here in August and we lived in the water park during that visit. We had hoped to make it to one of the two hot tubs, but it was soooo cold by Saturday that I wasn't venturing outside without a parka.

Our weather Friday was incredible - in the 70s and lovely. By Saturday morning, a cold front blew in and it was bone chilling at that point. But, the flowers outside the conference center were still lovely.

Here we are in our room after dinner at the wonderful Chez Roux. It was so incredible. I never drink wine, but managed three glasses during the two-hour meal which included great dishes like a cheese and corn souffle as an appetizer. Then, I had a wonderful steak and potato gnocchi. OMG. The gnocchi was so absolutely incredible. I started to ask if they could fix me a large plate of it with the tasty sauce that was part of the meal. Mmmmmmm. So good. Army of Dad enjoyed his meal as much or more than I did. He had a decadent pear ice cream and something else, but he was in heaven.

On Friday, I arranged a special belated Valentine's combined with early anniversary gift for Army of Dad: a guided fishing trip. It was beautiful out on the lake and he was in heaven. Unfortunately, the fish just weren't biting like we had hoped. I think I jinxed us by bringing two coolers with us.

The sun was shining off and on, too, making for a lovely afternoon on the lake. We boated over to Wolfie's for lunch. I had never done that - pull a boat up to the dock, hop off and eat lakeside. I have to say, I could get used to that lifestyle. I'm sure that is music to Army of Dad's ears as he loves the water.

Here is our
fishing guide, Chris Edwards. Oh my. Ladies, if you HAVE to go fishing with your honey, this is the way to go. Gorgeous. Yes, with the capital G. Very cute. The eyes. Oh my, the eyes on this guy. Yep. I was just fine floating around while they fished.

Although the experience did make Army of Dad want a boat.

The fisherman in him was out and about. He lives for this stuff.

And, eventually, he caught a hybrid and everyone rejoiced. I think I freaked
Chris out a bit by my off-color remarks comparing the fishing guide experience to prostitution, though. Yeah, I have a tendency to let loose some tacky remarks now and then. I know you're all shocked.

But, the coup de gras of the day came when I reeled in a catfish at the end of the night. Thankfully,
Chris hooked it for me, but I had to wrestle the thing to the boat - the men insisted that I do it.

The drive back home from the resort was a nice one with parts of it taking us through the Sam Houston National Forest. Beautiful scenery. Then, we had to come home. Back to reality. But, you know what? My reality isn't too bad. I certainly had a wonderful weekend at the resort.
At 8:34 PM, March 28, 2010,
Army of Dad said…
I am really glad we took the shorter and more scenic route home.
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