I love sex
Honestly, I love pretty much everything to do with it. I love the feeling. I love the connection. I love the control. I love the submission. I love the plain vanilla and I love the exotic concoctions, as well.
While I have never got it on with a Furry, I don't see any harm to it. We all need a little escape. Some of use porn to do it. Some like to dress up and role play. Some people even like to dress up like big furry critters and go to conventions to meet other folks who are Furries, too. *shrug* Whatever floats your boat. I blogged about Getting your Furry on back in January and I fear that the Furry lovers of the world think I don't like them. Au contraire. I am fascinated. Just like Gil Grissom on CSI has his thing for Lady Heatherly and her S&M house, I am truly fascinated by it. I like to learn about all the various kinds of sex and ways to express your sexuality. As long as no one is hurting anyone or practicing unsafe sex, I don't see any harm in it and I think I even said as much.
Yet, I've had a couple of comments posted that seems to think I don't appreciate Furries. While I don't foresee myself wanting to get in a big sweaty suit and furpiling, whatever gets your blood pumping is great. I can see how it would be enticing to escape and have no one know who you are. That has to be empowering. You can be anything you want to be. If you're a shy retiring librarian, in your big Kitty suit, you can be a sex kitten with your tail in the air. If you're normally a bossy busy CEO, you can be a timid little puppy rolling over for someone to rub your belly. I see the appeal. I just prefer to do it without the big costume.
Go check out the comments on the post and let's start a new thread here. The folks at it comes in pints, introduced me to the plushies, I'm sorry, that is weird. Screwing your stuffed animal is kind of bizarre to me. I mean, we've all made out with our pillows when we were 12 and just wondering what it would be like. Right? Dammit. I can't be the only one who did that. Be honest people! You know you did it.
Anyway. With the sex kick I've been on, any kind of sexual behavior is fascinating to me, whether it is considered deviant or not. Ok, I take that back, people who delve in poop and pee and stuff still gross me out. Eww. I need to think of something different.
This is SOOO not what I thought I'd blog about on my way to work this morning. Funny how a new comment on an old post changes your mind.
While I have never got it on with a Furry, I don't see any harm to it. We all need a little escape. Some of use porn to do it. Some like to dress up and role play. Some people even like to dress up like big furry critters and go to conventions to meet other folks who are Furries, too. *shrug* Whatever floats your boat. I blogged about Getting your Furry on back in January and I fear that the Furry lovers of the world think I don't like them. Au contraire. I am fascinated. Just like Gil Grissom on CSI has his thing for Lady Heatherly and her S&M house, I am truly fascinated by it. I like to learn about all the various kinds of sex and ways to express your sexuality. As long as no one is hurting anyone or practicing unsafe sex, I don't see any harm in it and I think I even said as much.
Yet, I've had a couple of comments posted that seems to think I don't appreciate Furries. While I don't foresee myself wanting to get in a big sweaty suit and furpiling, whatever gets your blood pumping is great. I can see how it would be enticing to escape and have no one know who you are. That has to be empowering. You can be anything you want to be. If you're a shy retiring librarian, in your big Kitty suit, you can be a sex kitten with your tail in the air. If you're normally a bossy busy CEO, you can be a timid little puppy rolling over for someone to rub your belly. I see the appeal. I just prefer to do it without the big costume.
Go check out the comments on the post and let's start a new thread here. The folks at it comes in pints, introduced me to the plushies, I'm sorry, that is weird. Screwing your stuffed animal is kind of bizarre to me. I mean, we've all made out with our pillows when we were 12 and just wondering what it would be like. Right? Dammit. I can't be the only one who did that. Be honest people! You know you did it.
Anyway. With the sex kick I've been on, any kind of sexual behavior is fascinating to me, whether it is considered deviant or not. Ok, I take that back, people who delve in poop and pee and stuff still gross me out. Eww. I need to think of something different.
This is SOOO not what I thought I'd blog about on my way to work this morning. Funny how a new comment on an old post changes your mind.
At 11:55 AM, April 07, 2005,
Gadfly said…
Like when a woman shaves your butt and smears your cheeks with Vicks VapOrub, and jams a hobby horse stick in your butt and makes you crawl around the floor and play "Smelly Pony" That's good fun there.
(It can't believe I just thought of that off the top of my head. "Sometimes I give myself the creeps")
At 12:33 PM, April 07, 2005,
Anonymous said…
The thing is, being furry doesn't necessarily involve sex. That's not to say it isn't a part of the culture just that not all furries are of a sexual nature. My daughter considers herself a furry for example, another example is the term anthropomorphic. Anthropomorphic actually refers to quite a few things: animals with conscious thought (examples:Bambi, The Lion King, etc), animals who walk around on two legs clothed semi clothed or unclothed (Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck, Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck, Tom & Jerry are a few prime examples--there are naughty ones too such as Fritz the Cat), and the less thought of objects given either human "identities" or even animal ones (the Herbie movies, the "animals" in Tulgey Wood in "Alice in Wonderland" -- the umbrella vultures and the two small birds that were made out of a pencil and a pair of eyeglasses, Etc). Even when it does involve sex, being furry doesn't necessarily involve fursuits or plushies. It could be someone who likes to draw anthros in sexual ways as well as people who like to look at them without it going much further than that and/or just fantasizing about it. Some don't even like the idea of sexual fursuiting for themselves (or even just fursuiting without it being sexual in the least) because it would take away their imagery of truly being the animal (anthro or not); the idea of being in a hot suit sweating to death just turns some furries off. For some it's even a spiritual experience and may only have sex involved because they truly feel they are that animal trapped in a human's body. What I mean is that if two people that feel that way find eachother and fall in love, maybe even getting married, since they still consider themselves particular animals, any act they perform together no matter how vanilla it may be, will have some aspect of furriness to it even if it's only in their minds (it could be as simple as considering their spouse/lover to be their "mate" or that they are mating or "yiffing"). I wasn't sure whether you were against furries or not, it was some of the other comments that I felt needed a response--I keep seeing and hearing misrepresentions of furries or at least one-sided representations.This sub-culture is like any other; there's good and bad but most non-furries only ever get to see the bad or at least only the furverted section--I'm no "Burnt Fur" myself (a sub culture of furrydom where the members seem to be against sex in general and ANY fetish in particular) but I can understand some of their point. When the perverted side is all outsiders see in the media, that's all they ever think it is. I'm just trying to set the record straight. This site explains it much better than I ever could:
I'm not sure if this is a good example to illustrate my point but I remember something in the news around 10 years back about a scandal in a nudist colony; a man had molested an 11 year old. He had been considered a friend to many and called "uncle" by most of the kids. Just because they were nudists didn't mean that the whole community wasn't horrified; they all expressed feelings of deep betrayal. To tie it into what I've been trying to say: nudists can be mothers and fathers who just like to be natural/naturalists, I guess they feel that just because you have to be at least partially nude to have coitus doesn't mean that you have to have sex when you're nude. But like any other culture, there are people who are different (people who'd rather stay single and/or not have a family/kids, people who are homosexual or bisexual, people with harmless fetishes, and people who are truly deviants). Just because one person was a pederist, didn't make the whole communty perverted.
At 12:48 PM, April 07, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Anyone else believe that Gary just made that up?
Yeah I didn't think so.
At 1:36 PM, April 07, 2005,
Uzz said…
Hmmm...what has happened to our world? Give me a good looking chica who is not a nut...I'll pass on making it with a stuffed animal:-)
At 2:23 PM, April 07, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I'm with AoD...
At 2:40 PM, April 07, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Gadfly - you scare me.
AoD - I think you're right about Gadfly.
LabKat - please tell me you never had a hobby horse or Vicks.
Anon - I had never thought of it in a non-sexual way. It just seemed like it had to be something sexual to me. You gave me a new perspective upon which to look at it. But, curious, the folks who do delve into it sexually, are they doing it "in" the suits or what happens from there?
And, you're right about every kind of "different" behavior. Look at that little girl in California who was abducted and killed. Everyone assumed it was because her parents were swingers and if you're a swinger then you're obviously some kind of danger to the community and your family and that is just not the case. These people are just like the rest of, they just have a different way of being sexual. It doesn't make them dangerous or bad people.
Good point Anon.
At 4:00 PM, April 07, 2005,
Gadfly said…
It was my first time in Thailand ... I was young ... I was impulsive ...
At 6:39 PM, April 07, 2005,
Anonymous said…
"It was my first time in Thailand ... I was young ... I was impulsive ..."
He was stuck...
At 6:43 PM, April 07, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Well, for my husband and I, we just consider ourselves mates and we love to yiff. We also like looking at innocent to naughty renditions of furries (I like it better when people make up their own characters; seeing well known childrens' cartoons in sexual situations make me uncomfortable, but if the person has their own fursonae drawn (whether they do it themselves or have a furry artist do it) then it doesn't bother me to see them in an adult situation. We also like stories of furries (there are quite a few on the market--more than I had known before finding out there was a furry community)--there's one that's about (I think)an alien species that comes to earth and an influential man who pulls strings to see that they not wind up as lab rats (like you see on so many sci fi movies--Coccoon fur instance). The thing is, the aliens are gorgeous anthro-bunnies. If I find it and your interested, I'll give you the name and author. Some of these sories are quite adult (either erotic-pornagraphic or violent sometimes both. With some furries, the most sex involved is online--not much different than cyber except there's a certain ... cuddlyness to it--yiff doesn't necessarily have to be a part of the experience--just feeling a part of a group, accepted and being able to be close without being made fun of are big draws. Some of it does deal with exploring sexuality but a lot of the exploration has nothing to do with furriness itself--it's just a feeling of furry is what we are...in certain situations, we want to explore different sides of sexuality; the furriness doesn't have to be part of the sex or vice versa...Take my daughter for instance; I'm sure she will explore when she comes to that age, if she retains her being furry then that fursonae will stay with her in all that she does. It would only make sense for her to find another furry who'd understand certain aspects of it. Such as: when we're angry we might growl; when we are content (doesn't have to be sexual--something like eating a piece of chocolate cake could do it), we might purr or murr if we aren't feline; sometimes we like crawling on the floor acting like our animal or in my husband's case meowing at our cats or talking for them "feed me now, puny human" . A lot of this really isn't so different from a lot of what non-furries have been known to do, it's just that we do it more often and relate better to animals than a lot of people (you don't hear stories about animals going on a killing spree because they felt alienated or were abused). My daughter and I like to pretend to be kittens or cubs play-fighting making claws at eachother; this really isn't so odd (if you ever saw Miracle on 34th Street you may remember the scene where the little girl felt left out because she didn't know how to pretend--it was incomprehensible that the kids were "animals in a zoo" I think Santa Claus taught her to be a monkey)I remember watching that as a kid growing up in the 70s and wishing their were people who understood how to make-believe. I remember wishing I had a tail in second grade--so much so that I wore a leash hooked to the back of my pants to school one day, against my mom's better judgement. I kind of still wish it but not to the extreme as some do; I've known quite a few who would try genentic alteration if they could have a tail and fur (which gives rise to not all furries being the same--I'm deathly afraid of doctors and needles--neither of which have anything to do with being furry).
That aspect really has nothing to do with sex. Some do get off on the fur though; I've heard of different ways--if you want to talk about fursuits, most fursuiters wouldn't want to mess up the fursuit with spooge (semen); fursuits take a long time to make or are quite expensive if you buy them. Some have made suits for the very purpose of yiffing in them though--I once saw a pic posted on a furry group of a costume that had been cleverly designed (imho) to not only give access to the genitals but was also nearly anatomically correct for the species it portrayed. Though yiff is primary for some, I've always considered it secondary to furriness;being a furry is just what I am, any other kinks I pick up are just influenced by my furriness--not the other way around (I feel more comfortable exploring my sexuality with other furries for example ... mostly because they understand furriness in general). One thing I find pleasant which could lead to sex or not is the feeling of acceptance of giving and receiving affection--in today's world, it seems impossible
for two people (man and woman two males or two women) to be affectionate without someone implying something sexual. With furries, a skritch (and we didn't coin that word--the first I ever saw that word with that spelling was in a very old Peanuts paperback--I think Schroeder was saying Snoopy didn't like being scratched, he liked being skritched) anyway a skritch on shoulders and back can just feel so good without it leading to or even connotating anything sexual--it might lead there but it doesn't have to and no-one automatically assumes it will lead there (except maybe non-furries who don't understand that happen to see it). Sorry about hopping all over the place within the topic; I'm rather tired now and am having a hard time just putting down these thoughts coherently...If they seem disjointed, that's why.
At 9:43 PM, April 07, 2005,
Uzz said…
I have been thinking about getting back into the dating scene...after this post, I may just stay single:-)
At 9:29 AM, April 08, 2005,
Gadfly said…
Awww... C'mon Uzz. I could picture you in a plush panda suit (I could, but I won't ;)
At 9:48 AM, April 08, 2005,
Anonymous said…
That would make Uzz a sad Panda.
At 12:13 PM, April 08, 2005,
Uzz said…
Hey remember that I did stints as Juice the Moose for the Midland Angels minor league team, so technically I have been one these things...ugh...I think I need to shower again!
At 7:19 PM, April 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Oh, now I won't be able to look AOM in the face any more , and hey I love UZZ, but would not like to see him dressed up. I would like to continue to think of him as the "normal" one I see and talk to.AOm I am ashamed of you back to RED you go !!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes this is the TEACHER
At 7:21 PM, April 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
From now on I will respect if this is the Teacher don't read, but you did not give me that chance :(
At 11:11 AM, July 18, 2005,
Anonymous said…
All right! I love sex too. I can screw everyday and not get enough. There's nothing hetero that I haven't tried as far as sex. Strange that I didn't give up my cherry until I was 27. But my legs have been spread most of the time since (I'm now 52 amd my record is 13 times in 24 hours. Thank God for modern birth control!). Let me tell ya, I'm shaved, pierced and tattooed, and totally shaved sex is the best! I've never regretted going smooth. I love my look and so does my partner. He finds it exciting, and we both love the feel of smooth sex. -Kathy
At 1:17 PM, August 16, 2005,
Anonymous said…
As a furry my self and a sex fiend, i personally love yiff. the stories are not really much different than say penthouse and the art is always fun. I am not a fursuiter and though i have at times worn a pair of ears and a tail, I don't think I could handle bieng in a mascots uniform. If they make them more form fitting like clothes then mabye I could but to yiff in them would be gross to me. think of all the time you'd have to spend cleaning that thing. And as far as them bieng anatomically correct i can see that since Zeta creations makes anatomically correct animal parts.
well just thought i'd put in my two cents. thanks for listening.
At 9:44 AM, August 19, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I found a site that specialized in creating personalized sex fantasy role plays
It was beyond amazing...the script for the school girl seducting her professor was soooooo funny, sexy and kept us friggin in foreplay for over two hours.
Did I say it was amazing. It was ;>)
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