Weather Forecast: Hot, again
It is oppressive and I'm tired of it. REALLY.REALLY.TIRED.OF.IT.
It is only supposed to be 100 on Saturday. Yippee. Gees. I can't believe that makes me happy. The weather guessers are predicting a high of only 91 on Wednesday and here I am doing the dance of love.
Even the critters are hot.

This little fella was hanging out - literally -in the tree in our front yard. He just sort of twitched and glanced at the kids as they went to look at him. You could just see his teeny-tiny little wheels turning that he really didn't even care if we were a threat, it is too flipping hot to care. He might have wanted us to put him out of his little furry misery.
It is only supposed to be 100 on Saturday. Yippee. Gees. I can't believe that makes me happy. The weather guessers are predicting a high of only 91 on Wednesday and here I am doing the dance of love.
Even the critters are hot.
This little fella was hanging out - literally -in the tree in our front yard. He just sort of twitched and glanced at the kids as they went to look at him. You could just see his teeny-tiny little wheels turning that he really didn't even care if we were a threat, it is too flipping hot to care. He might have wanted us to put him out of his little furry misery.
At 10:11 PM, August 18, 2006,
Kat said…
I feel ya. I am so sick of the heat! That is an adorable picture - poor squirrel!
At 10:38 PM, August 18, 2006,
Rachelle Jones said…
here too here too 102 today AGAIN
At 2:54 AM, August 19, 2006,
cashin said…
Tell me about it! I walk onto my deck barely a minute ago and it had to be at LEAST 65. It's horrific I tell you.......oh wait...
Yea I better go shut off the AC and get and extra blanket, its gonna be a cold one.
*Does the dance of colder than you*
At 7:34 AM, August 19, 2006,
Lemon Stand said…
That poor squirrel looks like my youngest the other day. Luckily enough for us our weather is getting way cooler up here in MA. Here's hoping for a break for all you guys.
At 9:53 AM, August 19, 2006,
magnus said…
OMG - that skwerl is soooo kewt!
you should have offered cool drinks!
At 9:22 PM, August 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
THAT is too damn funny!
At 7:25 AM, August 21, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Cool drinks, hah! It was luck y to be shot by a camera. Of course we were in the city and we are a long ways from the first freeze so I woudln't have shot it anyways...
At 9:19 AM, August 21, 2006,
Gadfly said…
I went outside to do some work around the yard this weekend, but as soon as I did, I decided: Nope. I don't hate myself that much.
Went back inside and watched documentaries about the Minoans and the North African Roman territories. Far better way to spend the day.
I'd have invited the squirrel if I'd known.
At 8:09 PM, August 25, 2006,
Mo K said…
Aww, poor li'l feller...
You should send that pic to Meg at Cute Overload! She's so good at coming up with fun titles, too.
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