Well, one more day of summer. We went to "Meet the Teacher Night" at school tonight. Dropped off school supplies and found out where we'll be tomorrow. Hot Rod got a teacher new to the city. The mother of four boys and a girl, she's been teaching for 21 years. She may be a good fit for my challenging little fella. He got stuck with two very annoying boys in his class again. But, we'll see how it goes. He's getting so big. Just floors me. Fourth grade. *sigh*

And, Little Bit's kindergarten teacher. The teacher's daughter will be sitting next to Hot Rod in his class. :) I'd been doing ok with the thought of her going off to school until tonight. She was so excited that she didn't want to leave school. Although, she got nervous once we got home and fretted about not having any friends. Bless her heart.

Then, we read this book. I searched high and low for a book like this in our house to read to Little Bit tonight. Finally found it in the last place I looked. *whew* I didn't have the foresight to search before now. Go figure. I think I was in denial that maybe she wouldn't have to start school in the morning.
But, alas, was not to be. I found it,
The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing. I didn't make it all the way through before I started to cry, just like the moms and dads at the end of the book. The tears are still there, just right behind my eyes. Packing up her backpack with snacks for her classmates and putting a change of clothes in her bag ... these things make it real. Really real. I can't believe my baby is big enough to be in school. *sigh*
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