Texas-Style Sledding
Texas-style sledding is done when the driveways get icy and you slide down the hill in a laundry basket. At least that is how we do it. When I was a kid, my dad would push me down the hill by our house in a metal washtub with a rope tied around the handles. I love Hot Rod's exclamation that he'd like to flip like Carl Edwards.
This was our first effort in our driveway, which was already melting pretty early. We had to move next door to our neighbor's yard.
And, Little Bit couldn't stay on her feet when she hit the slick spot along the edge of the driveway. And, yes, that is her very sensitive mommy laughing at her.
Guiding his sister backward down the hill.
And, Little Bit pushed Hot Rod better than I did! I cracked up at his Tony Stewart comment as he "crossed the finish line."
Army of Dad missed the fun as he stayed in Dallas overnight with Chicken Legs (who was visiting from Baltimore for business.) It worked out really nicely as Chicken Legs had a suite, so AoD just slept in the other room. AoD's work was closed today, so he was able to sleep late and leisurely get up and go to have lunch with his buddy before they all had to check out and head for the airport. I did manage to get some work done today, which was good. I had a lot of phone calls to make. I should have done some other calls, too, but I'll just start them tomorrow. For today, I was distracted - only briefly, thank you very much - by the very hot and tasty Zac Efron singing and dancing in High School Musical while Little Bit watched the DVD on my laptop. Oh, that crazy cougar side just can't stay in hiding.
At 5:04 PM, January 28, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Have you ever gone sledding on a car hood? My brothers used to do that but my parents never let me...
At 5:39 PM, January 28, 2009,
Mo K said…
Too cute!!!
I loved the plastic toboggan I had as a kid.
We had ice today, too. First significant wintry mix of the season in the D.C. area.
At 7:25 AM, January 29, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Looks like it was pretty icy there in your part of Texas...we had both snow and ice, but now you can't even tell it.
Love the Tony Stewart line...priceless.
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