Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


Seeking refuge in Cowtown

I'm a firm believer in helping others less fortunate than ourselves. For one thing, it is the right thing to do. For another, we never know when we will be on the receiving end of a helping hand. So, it is just right to do it. I also believe in teaching the children about charity and why it is important. Hot Rod selected a few toys that he thought other kids might like playing with and I dug out some of my reserve books and toys that I had put up for gifts along with some little toys that are pretty universal - a soft football, a teddy bear, all in like new condition.

So, after our excursion to the museum, we stopped by a site housing some of the refugees at a FWISD gym next to Tarrant County College. Seems weird to me that a site less than a few miles from where I grew up would be a make-shift home and clearinghouse for donated goods. Volunteers were in abundance and cops were set up to deter some folks from getting in. The only donations being allowed in were diapers, formula and medications. We had diapers, so they sent us in. They asked us to take the clothes we had to another site, so I'll send those with Army of Dad at his work next week for their collection drive.

It was very surreal to see. Parts of the gym looked like a giant garage sale (tag sale to my yankee readers). It was set up in sections so the guests could go to look specifically for what they needed: diapers, shoes, etc. Looks like Payless Shoes gave a bunch because there were Payless shoes in boxes everywhere. Anyway. It was really sad to see all these people trying to nap on cots in the melee.

I played basketball or volleyball, I can't remember which, in this gym a few times in tournaments while in high school. Just seems weird to see it like this. We didn't talk to anyone really, but Hot Rod helped me put some of our donations out on the table and he gave a volunteer the snacks we had for him and his sister for the drive home. We though the volunteers or some of the children there might be able to use them.

Thank God I have a home to return to. My prayers are with these people and all the others who haven't made it out yet. It was amazing to see the outpouring of volunteers and contributions. It warms my heart to see that. A church not very far from my house was collecting goods today, too. I imagine the Red Cross and Salvation Army will be overwhelmed with charitable donations that, I hope, meet all these needs and create a surplus, too.


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