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At 8:11 AM, May 13, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Is the party going to have a good turn out? My birthday falls on mothers day sometimes (like this one!) and when I was younger, I'd only get a few to actually show up.
Hope you have a great mother's day and the party goes well!
At 8:14 AM, May 13, 2007,
Dallas Meow said…
Happy Mothers Day!
At 9:14 AM, May 13, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
Happy Birthday E.
I have about five or six RSVPs and that is plenty for me!!! I did have lots of moms ask me if I knew it was Mother's Day and why would I schedule a party on this day. *shrug* It is another reminder of why I'm a mother!
At 4:16 PM, May 15, 2007,
Rachelle Jones said…
I hope you had a good day with your Mom!!
At 7:00 PM, May 15, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
Many thanks!
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