We did MGM while at Disney and I loved this place. Have I said that before? Well, I did. Here is Grandma with the little kids and Lightning McQueen. We got rained on some both days we were at Disney, but it was always a short shower and not so bad.

Pickle had a great time at both parks. He and I got to attend an
animation academy and learn how to draw Stitch in the Magic of Disney Animation attraction.

Here is Stinkerbelle's godfather, grandpa and grandma dancing with the little kids to High School Musical. Pickle and Hot Rod actually got to get out and dance with the gang and some other kids right in front of the musical.

Popsicles as big as Stinkerbelle and her cousins.

The Rock N Roller Coaster with its greatest fans.

The gang entering MGM.

In the line for the Muppet Vision attraction. It was one of my favorites along with the Star Wars ride. We had a great time at MGM. Notice we were ready for Stress Testing. :)

Loving that girl.

The Hollywood Tower of Terror. By the third ride, I could enjoy it. The first ride made me want to barf. The second was a bit better, but it took three for me to have a good time. Pickle, on the other hand, screamed like he was being mortally wounded and refused to get near it again. Hot Rod - he loved it from the start and thought it was funny that mom was freaked out.

Loved the brooms and mops from Fantasia as part of the flowers. Very clever. There were lots of pictures I could post and didn't. We had a ball. The orange team scored a coup with our uniforms. AoD's sister lost her camera on the Aerial ride, but a lady gave it to her later. She found it and saw the orange lady leave it, so she and her friends were looking for the orange family to return it! What are the odds?
At 1:26 PM, November 12, 2007,
Gadfly said…
That would all be so freaking excellent if they had a little protected area where all the mommies and daddies could sneak off and smoke a bowl and then rejoin the kids for more wholesome family goodness.
At 2:10 PM, November 12, 2007,
Kelly said…
Great photos - I really think we should try to go sometime!
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