Baseball starts today (as long as the fields are dry enough) for Hot Rod. He is slated to be the starting pitcher and lead-off batter. What makes it even more exciting is that he is a 9-year-old playing in the 9- and 10-year-old kid pitch division. Better yet, he is playing Grapefruit - which is the upper division of the league. Not too shabby. And, I think depending upon how he pitches, he'll either be playing first base, second base and some
Centerfield (he has some range.) Uzz shot this photo at a scrimmage a few weeks ago. Poor kid only got like two pitches to swing at in three at-bats. He's gonna make the Oakland A's green look good.
At 1:48 AM, April 01, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Holy cow, he's starting to do the slimming up, growing up thing that they do...don't blink now. dion
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