Sunday afternoon, Army of Dad took the little kids fishing and Little Bit caught a monster fish. It was 22 inches long (as big as Hot Rod when he was born!) Those are some proud kids. They didn't catch anything on Saturday morning, so this was good.

Saturday, we went to see my parents to celebrate my dad's 72nd birthday. Little Bit did some golfing with PaPa's help.

And, the family picture with the sour cream coffee cake I made for Pop's birthday. Notice how Hot Rod and Little Bit won't get more than a few inches away from the cake. This was a nice family picture, I think.

Then, the picture that is more of a true representation of our family. I was thinking this could be a good Christmas card photo. :)

And, the little baby cardinals in a nest in my dad's carport. He insisted I climb on a precariously balanced ladder to get a picture for him. Whatever you say, old man, it's your birthday. For you, I'll do it. All in all, a great family weekend. Took the kids to see movies. Army of Dad and Pickle saw Wolverine and me and the little ones saw Monsters vs. Aliens or Aliens vs. Monsters, whatever it was, in 3D. It was pretty cute.
And, we're still alive. No swine flu here. The kids did some assignments for me today, reading and writing summaries, etc. Good stuff. I even got some work accomplished. Go figure. We may take a field trip Tuesday to an area zoo and have them do a report on their favorite animal.
At 12:27 AM, May 05, 2009,
Uzz said…
Hot Rod looks almost as proud of that fish as Stinkerbelle does!!!!
At 7:22 PM, May 05, 2009,
Army of Dad said…
He had to help quite a bit when she had that fish on. He had to get a rod out of the way and reeled in before he got my hook remover and stringer. It would have been much more difficult had he not been there and ready to help so he has reason to be proud!
At 4:37 PM, May 06, 2009,
Just Barely said…
Great pictures today, and man, what a fish! Good job Little Bit/Dad!
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