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At 3:33 AM, June 04, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Woman, he will be registering for college before you turn around. Start looking now for video and art schools if you or Uzz haven't already. I wish my oldest had as good of a plan as my youngest does. (How did that figure out...)Oh, yeah,Joe got a first place medal at the Can Academy Race, but only for his age. He finished 5th overall and complained that they didn't mark the 2 mile point, so he wasn't aware of when to turn on the speed. Man, if most of us still had the energy to "turn on the speed after 2 miles..." ah, such is life. Take care. Dion
At 7:18 PM, June 04, 2009,
Submariner said…
Advice to begin looking now is solid. If you wait until Junior year, you are pushing your luck. For art schools, I'd recommend looking into Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in Savannah GA. Damn fine school that I wish my son had chosen to go to.
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