Exhibit A
This is why my liberal friends think I'm an asshole for not pouring out my funds to help the tsunami victims. While I think this is a tragic occurrence, I don't see any reason to reach into my shallow pockets and lay out any money for their relief.
Hat tip to Bane for referring me to one of Army of Dad's favorite blogs, Kim DuToit for providing me with exhibit A. Look at the t-shirt of the guy standing behind the victim being carted off.
Hat tip to Bane for referring me to one of Army of Dad's favorite blogs, Kim DuToit for providing me with exhibit A. Look at the t-shirt of the guy standing behind the victim being carted off.

At 4:55 PM, December 30, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
Bless your heart Kat, I know you want to reach through the Internet and throttle me these days. This will be one of those topics that we'll never be able to reach a consensus on. I do feel sorry for these families. I really do. Tears stream down my face every time I see some poor mother weeping for her lost children or when I see some wandering child who has lost his family. It is awful.
However, these are the same people who despite their dire consequences would rather refuse help from Israel because they'd rather die than be helped by Jews. Well, if that is how they feel, why should I feel so sorry for them? Here is a link to a story about Sri Lanka refusing Israeli aid. *shrug* It is just hard for me to want to reach out to those who would just as soon drown as opposed to take my hand.
Plus, I'm sure this will make me sound awful, too, but just like disease eliminates overpopulation in the world, so do natural disasters. When you live in a third world country where people practically live on top of each other, there are going to be huge numbers of deaths. Indonesia has 201 million people, India has a billion ... these countries have people dying of starvation every day and living in awful conditions. Huge numbers will die when these kinds of things happen. It is sad and tragic.
The worst part is that my best friend is mad at me about something that happened to strangers on the other side of the world. I don't fault your compassion. I think it is admirable. I guess I've just been jaded by all the hatred in the world and, sadly, some of it has rubbed off on me.
At 11:11 PM, January 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
FYI: The Bin Laden shirt is an anti-Bin Laden shirt. Better get those funds ready.
At 1:27 PM, January 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
If your so tarnished by the contradictions and hate on this planet world, and I ain't talking about good and evil, then you must be aware of the duality of the world. Someone's got a T-Shirt so what? Why don't you walk around Iraq in a Bush T-Shirt; and this in a country that consistently in reliable polls affirmed their hatred and desire for Saddam's removal.
Anyone remember East Timor and Kissinger's flying visit before the invasion? Thousands died in East Timor, thousands of American soldiers died in Vietnam after Nixon lied to the American people in 68 with Kissinger playing double agent between LBJ and Nixon; but Kissinger's not holed up in any cave. I'm not saying or condemning any human, and there's certainly some foul Islamists and Christians in Indonesia, just that mass murder and lies are present on both sides. It is common humanity that suffer, our response to that is what hopefully prevents a democracy becoming a plutocracy which would bring famine and hardship to your doorstep.
If you can not see that economic inequalities will breed more hatred towards the developed world, you're country is bound to be attacked again. Nobody gave two hoots about the bombed embassies in Africa, hell most Americans had never heard of Osama until 9/11. Maybe if you bought some Kenyan fair trade coffee a few more people wouldn't be filled with envy and stop supporting Osama.
At 1:42 PM, January 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
If you’re so tarnished by the contradictions and hate on this planet world, and I ain't talking about good and evil, then you must be aware of the duality of the world. Someone's got a T-Shirt so what? Why don't you walk around Iraq in a Bush T-Shirt? The Iraqi’s consistently in reliable polls affirmed their hatred and desire for Saddam's removal, but when there was an organic uprising Bush senior reneged on his offer to help the Kurds and let them be massacred; no change there, wasn’t any complaints when they were gassed.
Anyone remember East Timor and Kissinger's flying visit before the invasion? Thousands died in East Timor. Thousands of American soldiers died in Vietnam after Nixon lied to the American people in 68, with Kissinger playing double agent between LBJ and Nixon; but Kissinger's not holed up in any cave. I'm not saying or condening any individual, and there's certainly some foul Islamists and Christians in Indonesia, just that mass murder and lies are present on both sides. It is common humanity that suffer, our response to that is what hopefully prevents a democracy becoming a plutocracy; which would bring famine and hardship to your doorstep.
If you can not see that economic inequalities will breed more hatred towards the developed world, you're country is bound to be attacked again. Nobody gave two hoots about the bombed embassies in Africa, hell most Americans had never heard of Osama until 9/11. Maybe if you bought some Kenyan fair trade coffee a few more people wouldn't be filled with envy and stop supporting Osama, more ethical economical choices are much more important than a one off piece of charity.
At 6:11 PM, January 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
There are Israeli/Jewish organizations accepting donations. That's who I went with. That way, if they accept the money, fine. If not, then someone who's not anti-Semitic will get it. *shrug*
(Not trying to pressure you to give, just an alternate view...)
At 8:36 AM, January 03, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Who has evidence that wearing a shirt with OBL on it is an anti-OBL shirt? That would be like me wearning a Charles Manson shirt and then claiming it is anti-Charles Manson. That makes no sense.
Regarding the double post (blogger likes to hiccup sometimes), I guess I'm too young to remember the Kissinger stuff that is mentioned on there. I do have to admit that if I were walking around in Iraq, I would NOT wear a Bush shirt. Just a safety issue. I don't walk around wearing Bush shirts here in the states either even though I do support him. And, I guess what I'm taking away from the comment is that I don't give enough money to third-world countries, so that gives them permission to hate me? Bill Gates isn't giving me any money, but it doesn't make me hate him. That is a bad analogy in my opinion. I don't hate wealthy people for being wealthy. They have likely worked hard for their money or had the good fortune of being born into it. Countries that hate America because we have wealth are filled with hate anyway.
And, I'm really saddened that I have become so callous to others' needs. Those who know me are shocked by my response to this tragedy, but it is the hate that has been spewed toward my country that makes my sympathies what they are.
And, when it comes to the goods that I purchase, I honestly don't care where it is made - if it is good quality at a price I can afford, then I buy it whether it is made in China, Korea or Mexico.
And, regarding the comment about giving to some Jewish/Israeli non-profit organizations, that is a great idea. If I give anything, it will likely be to my diocese - the church can determine if the funds are better served here with kids whose parents don't have the money to feed and clothe them or if they want to send it to their Asian missions.
At 10:31 AM, January 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
The language on the shirt translates roughly to "Wanted" - similar to Bush's cowboy language about Bin Laden being wanted dead or alive. How silly that looks three-plus years later.
At 12:14 PM, January 03, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I hope you're right about the language on the shirt. If that is indeed the case, that gentleman has my utmost apologies.
Regardless, I've been listening to many others and sorting through various opinions. I believe I am softening simply because I really don't take any joy in seeing anyone suffer (ok, some people suffering, I do enjoy, but not the masses of people who have done nothing to anyone except exist).
At 1:41 PM, January 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Sorry about the double blog. I agree a lot of people's hate towards the US are envy and irrational. I can't think of a more egalitarian, heterogeneous and contradictory country that has dominated world politics.
My main point was that I don't really believe in charity; ok for humanitarian aid. But ethical economic choices provide equality and a way out of poverty that you demanded in your country, without stability there ain't any chance to work hard and build your fortune. When it is a viable good whose production does not abuse the individual’s rights, surely you can see the benefits to the individual and the international community? Perhaps if Indonesian coffee workers were paid a decent wage, then less would be suffering acute poverty and more inclined not to support Osama.
At 3:51 PM, January 03, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I think this whole thing has worn me down. I simply feel sorry for the residents who died. I think it is sad that India would rather let its residents on those two islands die rather than let anyone know what their military does there. I think it is sad that some countries would rather not receive aid than accept help from infidels. I think it is sad that the only thing we know how to do is send money to them. It is all just sad.
I still like Bogus Gold's suggestion of praying for everyone impacted.
At 5:34 PM, January 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Oh, wow what a great translation mister no name and no proof. I think it translates to we love Osama-look I don't have any proof either. Oh well, I will identify myself though.
Army of Dad
At 6:17 PM, January 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Don't know about the anonymous guy - but he's right. That's an anti-BL shirt and I speak the language. I guess everyone feels dumb now, eh? Do the research. It's a "death to Osama" shirt. Wow - I tripped upon this site and am surprised to see how much people here want to believe anything they can in order to hate the world and everyone who isn't exactly like them. Sad, really.
Tripped upon this Bane guys site and it made me weep (yes, even me, a conservative) for America that people like this - with such hate, venom and bile - actually live in this country. I think the attitude there is a big reason why Americans are perceived as such jackholes. It's one thing to be fervent - another if you actually believe what he and his minions profess. How do babies and children deserve to die in a tsunami? How does anyone know how they'll turn out? All muslims are evil? What a shallow-minded, sad little man...what lunacy...but I suspect the whole act is to stir people up - so bravo, Sir Bane, you have succeeded in what appears to be your mission in life.
At 7:22 PM, January 03, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
There are hateful people throughout the world. What I find sad is that all the hate in the world has taken a sensitive soul like me and made me calloused. I get tired of being hated by the rest of the world because of my good fortune to be American. I think much of the American hate is born from being hated for being nothing but good to the rest of the world. Look who is leading the way in helping the tsunami victims? The Americans.
And, I really do hope that the shirt is Anti-OBL. I would gladly say, my bad. I just don't know. It is hard to reach out a helping hand when that hand is slapped away for being an infidel. And, then people wonder why Americans hate them.
At 7:27 PM, January 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I just noticed, one guy said the shirt is anti-BL because it translates to "Wanted." The other guy said it says "death to Osama." So, which is it?
Also, do you have any links to back up the claim?
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